01907-222800, 8628896059, Affiliated to HP Board of School Education Vide Aff. No -23104 rmpsssksg@gmail.com

Rules & Regulations

  • Once the student enters the school campus he/she has to remain in the school for the entire day.
  • No half day leave will be granted.
  • Tuitions are strictly prohibited.
  • The class in charge can grant the leave for one day only.
  • Leaves for two or more days shall be granted by the Principal.
  • Students have to ensure at least 75% attendance. In case the student’s attendance is less than 75% his/her case shall be decided by the Director of School Education.
  • Late comers shall not be allowed and fined to enter the school campus.
  • School uniform is strictly compulsory.
  • All the students from Nursery to 10+2 classes must bring their lunch daily.
  • Students are expected to display good manners and behaviour.
  • Parents are requested to check and sign the student’s diary regularly.
  • Parents must deposit the fees before the 10th of every month from 9AM to 10AM or 1PM to 2PM.
  • Parents who couldn’t deposit the fee on time will have to deposit it on 21st/22nd/23rd of the month along with fine.
  • English which is the medium of instruction should normally be used in school premises both in and out of the class.