01907-222800, 8628896059, Affiliated to HP Board of School Education Vide Aff. No -23104 rmpsssksg@gmail.com

Most of us look at classrooms as places for seriously learning and seldom as a place where students enjoy activities and have a say in what and how one needs and wants to learn. The most important part of teaching and learning is the learning environment, especially the ways how teachers and students interact and how such an environment helps different children learn to their best ability. An inclusive, child-friendly learning environment is not just a place for formal learning, but also a place where children have rights: the right to be healthy, to be loved, to be treated with respect, the right to be protected from violence and abuse (including physical or mental punishment), and the right to express his or her opinion, and to be supported in education irrespective of learning needs.

The Goal of teaching at RMPS

  • Encourage children’s participation in school and community

Our classrooms are welcoming place for all children, also for those from very poor families, those with language difficulties, those with disabilities and those who learn slower than others. We organize together with students learning activities involving parents and community members, while also going out into the community for project learning activities. We especially make sure that students who are shy or who have learning difficulties are also participating and learning adequately

  • Enhance children’s health and well-being

We maintain and regularly update the health records of our students, and refer students with problems to health centres. In the classes our teachers use simple assessment tools to find out whether students have hearing, vision or other problems
There are separate toilets for boys and girls and they are kept clean. Special health programs are organized in the school to guide girls and boys on different health issues.

  • Guarantee safe and protective environments for children

Our classrooms have proper ventilation and lighting and enough space for all students. Classroom furniture is sufficient and sized to the age of your students. Our classroom-layout and furniture allow students to interact and do group work. Classrooms have bulleting board or a corner that displays helpful learning materials such as posters, illustrations, low-cost and self-made teaching-learning aids, newspaper and magazine clippings and my students’ own work. All classrooms are maintained and kept clean. Teachers together with students developed classroom rules on how to respect and help each other and on how to behave. Positive discipline methods are used to maintain proper school environment.

  • Encourage optimal enrollment

Students are encouraged to regularly come to school. A regularly check on attendance of students is maintained. Problems concerning non-attendance are properly addressed.

  • Ensure children’s optimal academic achievement and success

School’s vision and mission is excellence in academic and all other areas. Our teachers encourage and implement cooperative learning and discovery/active learning. Different teaching-learning aids are used by teachers to make study more interesting.

  • Raise teachers’ motivation and success

For further professional development of teachers different sessions/workshops are arranged for the teachers on regular bases.
Teachers are monitored for performance and identify their areas of strengths (to be shared with other teachers) and weakness (for further professional development)